Support the team going to Honduras and receive delicious food in return! 25% of all sales will be donated!
If you are not familiar with Tastefully Simple, all of our products are either open & enjoy, or require just one or two ingredients to prepare, and we offer a 100% ...satisfaction guarantee.
This is an online event only, simply check out our catalog online and place an order. Everything will be dropped shipped right to your door so no hassles and you can order anytime!
Go to: www.tastefullysimple.com/web/reckberg
You’ll see: “Your consultant is Rachel Eckberg”
(For your order to be included you must be on my web page)
Click: “Shop our Products”
Put everything you would like to order in the shopping cart.
At checkout you’ll be prompted: “Do you want to associate this order with a host or event?”
Click: “Find host/event”
First Name: Caity
Last Name: Davis
Payment on a credit/debit card on a secure web site and all products will be shipped right to your door!
Please place all orders by March 30th.
WANT TO HELP EVEN MORE? Host a home taste-testing party! Just e-mail me (caitedavis@hotmail.com) or post here and I'll get you in contact with our rep, Rachel Eckberg. 25% of your party sales will still be donated and you will receive ALL host rewards!
Thank you for your support!