Saturday, December 3, 2011

But Seriously, How Did I NOT Know About This!?!?

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake… Yes, you read that correctly. Microwave, mug, ingredients you already have at home, five minutes, and you've got yourself an awesome new dessert!
Here's what you'll need:

  • one whole (large) egg
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon butter, softened
  • 2-1/2 tablespoons chocolate chips
*Make sure you have a microwave safe mug

First, crack egg into mug, add brown sugar and whisk together with a fork..

Then, toss in flower and butter and mix together until smooth..

Add chocolate chip and mix in well..

Microwave on high 1-2 minutes and enjoy!
(Microwaves will vary on timing but I did mine for 1 & 1/2 minutes and it was perfect!)

For a little extra add a scoop of ice cream or top with whipped cream!
I opted for a more 'cookies and milk' feel and dumped a little heavy whipping cream on top!


Yay!! I finally booked my flight for Honduras in January!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! And to add to that excitement, I got it for a pretty rockin' good price as well! God is so good!

Friday, December 2, 2011

T-shirt scarf!

I had to face it sooner or later…. I have WAYYYYY too many t-shirts. They are by far my favorite outfit choice but I have so many that I haven't even looked at some of them for years. So i'm now working on 'recycling' them. Here was my first attempt at it…

First, pick your shirt and lay it out flat..
Then cut all across under each armpit..(i had to cut mine down a bit to avoid the logo)
The bottom part is what you will use for your scarf (i kept the top to make bracelets with though! *posts on that part will come later)
Then cut off the bottom seam of the shirt..
Continue cutting strips then, parallel to that in about 1 inch sections, leaving 1 inch across the top..
Now, pull and stretch each 1 inch section and it will 'curl' up..
Open the uncut end and gather it to form a loop. I used some old string to wrap around the uncut section for some added style..
Loop around and add any other touches of 'decorations' … and then.. WA-LA! You have yourself a t-shirt scarf!
I used a size small shirt and it still works but I would recommend a larger shirt if you can!