Thursday, January 6, 2011

Back in Honduras!!!

I am back serving in Honduras and boy does it feel good! I am beyond excited to be here and be able to stay longer than normal! Last week I came in with a team of about 22 people. I thankfully was on the first flight out and made it here right on schedule on December 27. (I very strongly dislike and am afraid of flying so it was a huge blessing for me to get here as planned!) . The rest of the team had a harder time. After many plane delays, a few overnight stays in different cities, 5 different airport pick-ups and MANY schedule changes we finally all made it here together! That devil has a way of trying to get you down when trying to further God's kingdom but our team rose above and were more than ready to serve once they got here. It was a busy and tiring but great week! I will do my best to make a post of each day to catch you all up to this point.

As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15b

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