Once we got there David told us we needed a guide if we were going to go into the waterfall so we went for it. He pulled me back at one point to explain how intense this little adventure would be and he knew the other girls wouldn't go if they knew. I was beyond pumped for it though!
This waterfall was seriously breathtaking. Pictures just do not do it justice. I was in complete awe of God's beautiful creation.
First the guide took us on the trail that any one can go on along side of the waterfall. Which was somewhat of a slippery fun hike in itself. Then we got to a point where he told us we shouldn't have the camera out anymore. He wrapped it up it a big trash bag to keep it 'safe'. Then he guided us down a slippery, misty, rocky path that some were struggling to just get through that. Then we got to the fun part. Up and down slippery boulders, rocks, logs, pools of water up to our chests, rushing water, and we hadn't even reached the actual waterfall yet.
We got to the first cave and we took a minute to regroup and catch our breath. The guide pulled out my camera at this point to try to get in a few more pics and then he wrapped it back up and stuck it in a high dry spot in the cave to come back for. Next came the REALLY fun part. We had to go through water up and down from our feet to our chest climbing rocks all while the first 'mini' waterfall rushed don on us. When you get to the point he group all has to stay holding hands so the water doesn't push you down. We formed our chain with the guide first then Jess then Jenn Hines then me then David and last Jen Wright. We got just a few steps into it and Jen and David let go and the guide went back for them. The three of us made it to the next cave and waited to see what was happening. Finally David and the guide came swimming into the cave and said Jen was staying back at the last cave.
At this point Jenn Hines realized she was claustrophobic and could not go any farther. We stood in the cave with the waterfall rushing and splashing in right beside us. The guide told us he needed to go in first and see if it was safe to take us. And now Jess realized she was terrified and could not go any farther either. The guide came back in and said he would take us one at a time. It was down to just David and I now and we were all in!
He took me out half way first to see if I was ok with it and I still was but I made David go the whole way with the guide first. After just a bit the guide came back for me and we were off! Water was rushing down all over me as me climbed up and down in and out of rocks and caves. In his broken English the guide would yell out to me "head down! breath through mouth! big step!". We finally made it back behind the falls and it was awesome! He then guided us through a tiny hole that led into a huge cave. It was awesome! We regrouped for a minute in the cave and then it was time to do it all over again in reverse!
We picked up Jess and Jenn in the one cave along the way back and then finally made it back to the other Jen. Oh yes, and back through the first set of slippery pools of rocks.
All of us right when we got there
This is the last spot you can go without a guide
And here we are in the first cave
David and I with our guide, Louis after making it all the way through!
After all that fun and crazziness was said and done Jess and I moved on to the next adventure of the day.. zip lining across the waterfall! Zip lining is something I have been dying to do for a long time so to do it in Honduras over the waterfall there!? I was beyond excited! And it was just as great as I imagined it to be!

Getting in some practice!
Our faces in this one crack me up. This is when we saw the cliff drop off.

Off I go!

Woo! Go Jess! And she even poses for the camera too!

My turn!

We made it!!
We ended the day by eating at a little village lakeside restaurant on the way back. It was another beautiful view!!
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