Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Team Day 8- January 3

Another build day!! Let me start this by telling you all that our entire team hurts! The whole week we have all been passing around some type of head cold/ congestion/ sore throat/ something! Whatever it is, it's definitely been making us all drag a bit. After building yesterday, I think I speak for everyone when I say.. we are sore!! Between the sickness and soreness we all knew it was going to be a rough day to try to build again. But hey, guess what!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phillipians 4:13

Today we went back to the Dump Community to build 2 houses. This community is definitely becoming another favorite place of mine in Honduras. With the team split in 2 we all had to make sure we were all pulling our part. With my fear of heights and a barbwired fence around where we were building, I even helped a little doing the roof today! Our two teams totally rocked this build today with the power of Christ. I know God was definitely carrying us all through it.
There was a little boy in this community named Andres who helped us build in June. He quickly became a favorite of mine that trip and when we came back to do the carnival he remembered me right away. His brother Kevin helped on my site and he too quickly became a favorite. They are such sweet boys and so eager to help and work. Not to mention they are amazing at it! They can pound a nail in in just 3 hits!

When we couldn't reach any higher, Kevin was eager to get on our shoulders to help!

This is Andres and Kevin

Each time i go to the Dump Community I give Andres the bandana I'm wearing. This day was no different and Lauren Flick gave hers away too! We love these kids!

As soon as we got back we head up the mountain to have devotions under the Jesus Statue, "El Picacho". You can see the whole city from it. I love devtions here!

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