Monday, January 10, 2011

While I was gone..

We celebrated New Years while I was down here this year. We were all exhausted and were probably not going to be staying up til midnight. So, I called home around 9 or 10 to wish my family a happy new year and my mom said "You need to call Beth, she's been trying and trying to get ahold of you". I quickly hung up with mom and called my sister.
When Beth answered she seemed fine. I asked "Is everything ok?". She said "YEAH! Guess what!?... I'M GOING TO THE CHAPEL AND WE'RE GONNA GET MARRIED!!!"
AHHHHH ... I'm pretty sure ALL of Honduras knew that night that my sister and Jordan were engaged. With all the excitement, there was a part of me sad I was not able to be there with them. I ran and got Michael Wallace and Christina Misch and we were able to celebrate for them a little all the way down here.
I am beyond excited for my sister!! Jordan has been a part of our family and like a brother to me for years so I am thrilled for him to 'officailly' be in the family!

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